Fish Kirk Lombard Fish Kirk Lombard

Nearshore Rockfish (Black Rockfish, Yellowtail Rockfish, Vermillion, Canary Rockfish)

Reeled in by Captain Sergio aboard the F/V Bent Rod off of Morro Bay, CA. Most of the rockfish that end up in our local markets are drag caught, and the fact that these are not is really awesome. Of the rockfish species, this is a relatively short-lived, fast-maturing species that lives most of it's life on shallower water than many other rockfish species. Did I mention they're delicious?

This were all open access rockfish. The large size of the fish and the high numbers indicate the populations are doing exceedingly well. Try to remember folks, all these fish are being reeled to the boat (from several hundred feet down) by hand! Then filleted, packed and delivered a day after offload. I like to send a reminder about this occasionally. There is no part of the equation from fishing, to offloading, to cutting, to portioning to packing to delivery that doesn't take an extreme amount of luck, timing, hard work and dedication. Thanks!

INFO PAGE: Click for more info! Mostly yellowtail rockfish

ORIGIN: Captain Sergio aboard the F/V Bent Rod off of Morro Bay, CA

METHOD: rod and reel

RECIPES: steamed whole rockfish, rockfish tacos & Mexican slaw; rockin' rockfish cakes, seafood stew a la Parkside, poached fish with tomato and saffron, convict chowder, tapenade packages, OR just grill it! Light marinade and a BBQ - you're golden. We have a slew of Lingcod recipes that would work great too!

PREP TIP: (optional) how to skin your fish fillet VIDEO

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