Cedar Plank Pacific Herring & Bonus Roe Recipe!

Herring enthusiast and Sea Forager champion William West shares his favorite herring recipe!

Cedar Plank Pacific Herring:

1) Gill/gut and remove roe/milt

2) Remove bloodline with thumb.

3) Wash/Dry

4) Arrange on pre-soaked cedar planks with dorsal side up (see photo).

5) 8-10 minutes on a preheated 450-500ish degree grill.

6) Serve dorsal side up (like it was on the plank).

7) With a fork/knife cut along the back of the fish and easily pull fillets away from the spine/bones.

7) Enjoy!

Note- I don't add any oil, if anything I would (at the most) add a little salt.

Bonus Roe Recipe:

1) Rinse skines under cold water.

2) Cook in a bit of butter on medium-high heat, 1 minute per side. Use heat sparingly- less time if you like a more golden color in the middle or if the butter is very hot, but probably not more than a minute per side.

3) Enjoy! The popping of the roe as you eat it is amazing!

Note- I chilled the skines in the fridge while I was grilling the fish because it was starting to fall apart when I washed it/as it warmed up. It held together nicely during cooking/serving.


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